Update on the next book

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For the last month or so, I have committed myself to the challenge of writing a poem a day in hopes of improving my skills as a poet. It is not a medium I have much experience in but it seemed worth getting into, if only out of spite (thanks Chris). Anyways, the good news is that the challenge is now complete and I will be publishing 22 of my poems which I have deemed “good enough” as a collection to be released as both paperback and ebook. I am quite proud of every single poem in this collection and I hope you like reading it as much as I enjoyed composing it. The actual release date should show up on twitter sometime this week but expect it to come out soon-ish.

As for Draconis, since I am finally well enough to sit for prolonged periods again, I will continue working on that as well. I should have more to say about that at a later date but for now, it is going to be a significant departure from the first draft.

That’s about it for now. Be on the look out for Songs of Hope dropping sometime this week or the next. Peace!

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