Update: Royal Road – The Conclusion

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It’s been a while since my last update. I’ve been in recovery for my back and physical therapy started a few weeks ago. That means I’ll be able to write more regularly in the coming weeks. That’s it for the good news. Here’s a few specific updates

The final chapter of World Heist was uploaded on Royal Road a few weeks ago, making the entire book now available to read for free. As of today, it has accumulated over 2500 views on the website and for that, I am extremely grateful. My primary goal as a writer is to have people read my stuff and talk about it, so this was a fulfilling experience in that regard. Maybe I’ll upload more books to Royal Road, maybe I won’t. Only time will tell.

As for Draconis, I attempted to redo the story from scratch to try a different approach but that didn’t quite pan out so I’ll be going back to the previous draft, which is good news for readers that were satisfied with the original.

In the meantime, I wrote a short story. It’s not fantasy or sci-fi and doesn’t tie into any of the other universes but it was a neat little experimental piece that I am quite satisfied with how it turned out. As for where it’s being uploaded, I’m not really sure. I have considered Wattpad but it’s going to be a hassle moving over all my other stories there as well. I don’t know. I guess I’ll drop a link on Twitter whenever that happens.

That’s all for now. I can’t promise more regular updates in my current state but all you need know is that everything is being worked on.


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