Weekly Update

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Told ya I’m gonna be more regular from now on teehee

It has been a week since I started uploading on Royal Road. I’ve had some guidance from friends who have done the research work for me (thanks Seb) and the results have been promising so far. As of today, the first 9 chapters have been uploaded on Royal Road and they have been seen by more people than have ever purchased my book on Amazon. I am truly blessed to have such an incredible response and I promise I will never take it for granted. The uploads will continue at one chapter every 12 hours until I have cultivated a steady and sizeable audience.

As for updates on actually new stuff, I’m drawing up the outline for the sequel to World Heist and I already have some pretty spicy ideas going into this. But that can wait until I have done more concrete development.

That’s all for today. Hopefully, I’ll have more to share next week.

But until then, stay happy, stay smiling. Peace.

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