Update on the lack of updates

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Howdy! I’m still alive. I’m sorry to say that I’ve been bedridden for the past few weeks thanks to a spinal injury. Nothing scary, just inconvenient. I’m not even allowed to sit upright to use my laptop so progress on writing has been slow. Some might say, non-existent. But fret not! I bring updates on stuff nonetheless.

The 2nd draft of Draconis is 50% done and I’m very excited to show you guys more of that book very soon. It’s had a drastic rewrite from the first draft after some very helpful and constructive feedback and is now in a state I’m genuinely proud of. Obviously, the release date will be pushed back indefinitely until I’m well enough to write again so I sincerely apologise for that. But rest assured, it will be worth the wait.

In the meantime, here’s something to look forward to: World Heist is coming to Royal Road! Over the next few weeks, I will be uploading chapters to Royal Road (daily until the Skyscraper Heist and then biweekly after that). Since you can access the book for free on Royal Road, I encourage everyone to check it out. Further details will be available on my twitter account.

I think that about covers everything for now. There are a few other exciting projects in the work but I’m too exhausted and it’s getting late so be on the lookout for more updates at a later date. I am very sorry for the extended hiatus. I promise I will be posting more regularly from now on…. Probably….

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